Wednesday, June 22, 2011

sourdough starter remediation

One of the lovelier things about my altogether lovely town is Dr. Louise Nelson's Sourdough Starter. You can read the story of the starter here, but the long and short of it is that Louise had been tending that sourdough starter for 25 years before she passed away a few years ago. Twenty-five years. That takes some kind of fortitude. Louise was an econ professor at the College and was also in my Booklovers Book Club, so I got to know her briefly before she passed away in 2008. Because I enjoy cooking, I have been interested in acquiring some of her legendary Starter for several years now, but have generally been intimidated by yet one more thing for which I would be responsible. I mean, four kids AND a hungry Sourdough Starter?!

However, my friend Mary M brought us some yummy whole wheat/flax sourdough bread when SF was born and soon brought me the starter, as well. I made my first loaves a few weeks ago and they turned out well, if not a little ferment-y. Given my propensity towards slightly undercooked cookies and muffins, I assumed I undercooked it a bit. And then I had a little mishap feeding it last week (while trying to make breakfast, pack lunches, look for ballet shoes, nurse the baby, check Facebook, etc.), and so another friend, Brenda B brought me another batch yesterday.

I'm sort of in Sourdough Starter Remediation. I aim to do better this week.

I am honored to help carry on Dr. Nelson's 25-year tradition of maintaining the Starter and sharing extra loaves with friends.

So, if you see me on a Wednesday evening from now on, remind me to feed that hungry fifth kid, too . . .

Ciao a tutti.

1 comment:

  1. perhaps you should read some books on Attachment Parenting.
